Dr. Makó Emese
Name Emese MAKÓ
Title head of department
associate professor
Room 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. tanulmányi ép. C-401
Phone 3452
+36 96 503 452
E-mail makoe##kukac##sze.hu
Unit Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering
Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Transport Sciences
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Contact us


Dr. Attila Borsos, PhD
programme coordinator
Infrastructure Civil Engineering MSc
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering
E-mail: borsosa@sze.hu


Dr. Dániel Miletics, PhD
programme coordinator
Civil Engineering BSc
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering
E-mail: mileticsd@sze.hu


Ms. Andrea Lazányi
department assistant
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering
Tel: +36 96 503 400 ext. 3236
E-mail: lazanyia@sze.hu


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