Final Exam Regulations for MSc in Infrastructure Engineering

(Valid for the course started Sept. 2017 and later)
The final exam includes:
- The defense of the diploma work,
- Comprehensive oral examination of coursework knowledge related to the diploma work.
Defense of the diploma work
The student has to present his/her work and results in 12-15 minutes using powerpoint presentation (or
similar). The Final Examination Committee will ask the candidate questions. The candidate has to answer
questions asked by the external reviewer in writing.
List of topics in the comprehensive exam
To prepare for the comprehensive oral exam, each student receives five topics from the course work of
his/her program. Topics can be selected from any course that the student has completed. However, the
topics should be related to the diploma work. A total of five topics should be selected from two or three
courses. Topics generally cover about one or two weeks from the 14-week syllabus of the course.
The subjects are selected by the student's advisor and approved by the specialty coordinator (Dr. Bene for
Water Resources, Dr. E. Koch for Geotechnical Engineering, Dr. Makó for Transport Infrastructure). The
student must receive the list of the five topics at the latest one week after the submission of the graduate
The comprehensive exam
(1) The Examination Committee will administer and evaluate the student’s performance in the exam.
(2) At the beginning of the exam, the student will randomly draw two topics from the five previously
allocated to him.
(3) The student will have a total of 20 minutes to prepare answers. The preparation time may be
shortened at the request of the student but will not be extended.
(4) The student will present answers/discussion for each topic separately. When discussing the topics,
members of the Final Exam Committee may ask the candidate questions.
After completion of the comprehensive exam, the Final Examination Committee meets and decides on a
final mark for the diploma work and a grade for the comprehensive exam.

Contact us


Dr. Attila Borsos, PhD
programme coordinator
Infrastructure Civil Engineering MSc
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering


Dr. Dániel Miletics, PhD
programme coordinator
Civil Engineering BSc
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering


Ms. Andrea Lazányi
department assistant
Department of Transport Infrastructure and Water Resources Engineering
Tel: +36 96 503 400 ext. 3236


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